Tanisha Adjokatcher, a digital marketing expert and coach, Mom, Wife , Community Leader and 5x Author, opens her clients’ minds to the reality of creating their own income. She helps them realize they can start a business, and leave a financial legacy for their children.
She coaches her clients to think for themselves. This changes their mindset and allows them to gain new insights, enabling them to look to the future and think in abundance, so they live better. She has courses, workshops and books and other resources for her clients to tap into.
Tanisha is also A DOE Vendor for the Department of Education and has obtain her MWBE Certificate. She holds Financial Literacy Workshops for Children and Parents in Various School Districts in New York City.
While Tanisha likes to help her clients feel accomplished, confident, and smart, she loves the results they achieve. From establishing corporations to investing in themselves by fixing their credit to grow their money through stocks and real estate, Tanisha has turned her clients’ dreams into a reality. Tanisha’s own success has led to multiple awards including one during her real estate career for doing the most deals, Momprenuer of the year, and the G5 award for gaining the most customers online.
Tanisha book has been Featured in Black Enterprise, Images you wont see on TV, Yahoo Finance, Medium, Black News, and MSNBC & Market Watch. Her Book which is co Authored by her Daughters Chyanne, has been instrumental in helping children in the New York School District understand Money and Wealth Building.
Tanisha can change your mindset and show you how to live in abundance
The Abc's of Wealth Building for Children is a Best Seller on Amazon and in the School Districts.